The Gnostic Order of the Light
A diamond in the dark will never show its true beauty until the Light shines upon it.
The Gnostic Order of the Light
When what you
are seeking is
not easily found,
it is time
to look within.
The Gnostic Order of the Light is a metaphysical, mystical Organization that embraces the energetic existence of human reality. We do not view the Creator as separate, but instead, we understand that the Creator is Within.
The Gnostic Order has existed in a variety of ways, before and since the time of Yeshua. Yeshua, also known as Jesus, was the student of Melchizedek; he was one who had found the Path of Creator Love and became one of the Ascended Ones. From his teachings, Yeshua created the Jewish Christian sect, and was summarily punished by the Jewish Council for that decision. Over the 200 years after he formed the church, the Jewish Council sent assassin after assassin to eliminate the members and burn their temple down time and time again. Finally, Saul, who later changed his name to Paul, eliminated the last temple and its known members, and traveled extensively upon his reward, to finally end up near Rome. There, he set himself up as a student of Jeshua's teachings within a corrupt organization, using the remnants of Jeshua's teachings. Instead of the original papers, he used select, bastardized elements of his teachings to assist the Roman Council to design and create Catholicism. Instead of the teachings being rooted in Love as Jeshua taught, though, he poisoned the organization with his misogyny and homophobia.
In the early days of the Catholic organization, they incorporated all who claimed the slightest tie to Christianity. Catholocism had been established to control the populace because the political leaders of Rome recognized how the common people had accepted the teachings of Jeshua as they had made their way around the Mediterranean - prior to Saul/Paul - and they saw that these teachings could be used to their advantage. Thus, to grow their numbers, they brought in many who had been taught from original works and documents, but over time, these were replaced with the what became the Bible. Many groups were eventually kicked out of the Catholic organization when they reputiated the new teachings, and thus, so it happened to the Gnostics. When the Gnostic sect reminded the leaders in Rome that Jeshua taught asceticism and reviled the opulent ways that these leaders set themselves up in, the Gnostic Order was cast out of the Catholic Church.
All Gnostics were declared heretics and hunted down and exterminated, until the remainder went underground and practiced in secret. Nowadays, a number of groups claiming to be Gnostic have arisen from a variety of Christian sects, usually by someone in leadership who stated they had received visions or spirit teaching, and thus they created their version of the Gnostic Order.
The various Catholic authorities completely destroyed, locked away, or left in fragments the original teachings, so most of the Gnostic Orders that currently exist do not understand the energetic teachings that Jeshua conveyed - such as to connect directly with Melchizedek, his teacher - and thus do not know how to embrace their energetic selves, how to access the teachings of the Light Beings, or how to reconnect fully with the Creator, just to name a few of the mystical practices within the Gnostic teachings. Most fall, instead, victim to the ancient human problem of Ego and thus turn their spiritual organization into yet another religion through dictating to others how they should believe and behave, instead of mentoring the individual and allowing them to develop their own freewill based spiritual practice.
Many pieces of the original doctrine and dogma traced back to "Jeshua's teachings" can be found in Evagrius’ "Gnostic Centuries". The phrase below is pertinent:
"the essential function of spiritual beings in human form is to experience union with the Creator, which is known as a vibration of pure Love and Light. Humans were designed by the Creator and can only reconnect with the Creator through an ascetical, self-humbling process whereby the spirit presence regains its rule over matter and realizes its capacity to experience the divine simplicity.
This, we believe, is Truth and is the basis of our Gnostic Order of the Light.
Each human is a Spiritual Presence experiencing human form.
Each human has the capacity for reconnection to the Creator while having the human experience.
The way to connect to the Creator is to rid oneself of that which is not one's truest self, which can be facilitated through the embrace of asceticism and removal of the ego's influence.
Part of this process requires the education of the individual regarding:
the energetic environment that the Earth Plane is,
the human energy system,
the Gifts and Abilities the Creator has bestowed upon Humanity,
the understanding of the Dark versus the Light,
and the energetic requirements the individual must make to embrace the vibration that is Creator Love.
Religions are designed to govern individuals. True Spirituality teaches the individual to govern themselves. True Gnosticism is not truly considered a religion - it is a way of life, a Path to enlightenment which includes learning about oneself, implementing self-government, and discovering the aspects of oneself that religion (and society developed by religion) has prevented the Individual from discovering. When one no longer needs Religion or government to tell the individual the correct way to live or what to believe, one's eyes open to the world and all that the individual has sacrificed for "safety" over the last few thousand years. If you look at the definition of anarchy, Merriam-Webster defines it as:
1.a: Absence of government
b: a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority
c: a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government.
2.a: absence or denial of any authority or established order.
Society loves religion - it forces individuals to conform to their rules and doctrines and then governments continue that subjugation of the individual. Of course anarchy is deemed abhorrent! Government does not want individuals to think, behave, and live in a manner that does not require politicians, the military, and other groups to control them.
For the individual seeking freedom, spirituality is the path to take. As you learn and heal and grow, you will begin to understand the importance of the human experience and what the Creator wanted each of us to experience - LOVE. Love for self, love for each other, and love for the planet and for all its inhabitants. Thus, in the Gnostic Order of the Light, we share the teachings Melchizedech has shared with humanity time and again so the individual can recognize the Creator within so that the Path of Love and Light is walked, and the individual can live their highest and best lives.
We offer sessions to assist you with making decisions in your life as well as sessions to assist you with clearing and purifying yourself for healing and growth. For those of you who possess a Spiritual Path or a Vocation, we are ready to offer advice or even review you for possible admission to our Order. We do not accept everyone to the Order - only those who have been indicated by the Creator to belong to our Path are granted admission to teachings and, in time, possible admission.
Contact us to find that which has evaded you on the Earth Plane - the Unconditional Love of the Creator.